Building a home can be expensive! But there are a number of ways and different areas where you can certainly save some money.
How To
Our Custom Built-In Desk (Part 1)
When we started building our house, the plans included a built-in desk for the office. We had every intention of letting our builder do it, but as our build time dragged out due to the world shutting down, we started to cut things we could do ourselves from the build.
Selecting Accessories for Your Smart Home
In this post, we'll dive a little deeper into some of the specifics about devices and features that we use in our smart home.
Choosing the Brain for Your Smart Home
We've gotten a lot of questions about the smart features we've added to our home, so I've decided to document our journey. Many of the considerations we made came from months, if not years, of personal experimentation in both our current home and our previous home.
Planning Electrical for your New Home
As if there weren't already enough decisions to make during the homebuilding process, another one to think about is your electrical. For most people, this will probably be the first time you'll have to think about electrical in your home. While this may be a little more work, it's also an advantage.
Navigating the GIS
There are many things you can take advantage of when you're buying property. One of the most indespensible resources we found and then made extensive use of was the Geographic Information System (GIS).